impact map in print

Project Overview: This graphic illustrates the holistic environmental impact of sustainable office practices related to energy efficiency, water conservation, waste management, and alternative transportation. Numbers are hypothetical.

miles walkedper week 20,000 milesbikedper week 15,000 miles ontransitper week 616,000 pounds ofpaper & cardboardrecycled 3,500,000 pounds ofcans, glass, & plastic bottles 54,500 pounds of e-wasterecycled 5,000 pounds of mixedrecycled 15,000,000 kWh savedin electricityusage 3,000,000 kWh ofrenewableenergypurchased 9,600,000 MTCO2eof carboncreditspurchased 566 gallons ofwater savedin waterusage 1,000,000 50 weeks + + + 50 weeks + + 50 weeks + pounds + pounds + pounds + pounds + 1.05 gallons water per kWh + + change in gallons (09/2011-09/2013) change in kWh (09/2011-09/2013) + kW renewable energy purchased + + 0.00541 kW per gallon 4,000 kW per ton + + 17 trees perton of paper recycling + + 380 gallons of oil per ton 19 gallons gas per 42 gallons oil + + + gallons for transit .0305 gallons per mile + + pounds diverted from the landfill per year 18,559,500 SOV miles avoidedper year 32,609,000 gallons of gasavoided per year 2,226,532 trees savedper year 136,850 conventional kWavoided per year 58,553,759 gallons of wateravoided per year 60,654,159 0.00036 MTCO2e per mile + + emissions from transit + + 0.00069 MTCO2eper kWh + 0.00000373 MTCO2eper gallon + MTCO2e purchased + 3.45 MTCO2e per ton of recycling + + avoided 46,114MTCO2e