animated kiosk
kiosk as a photo booth

Project Overview: Delta Institute, in partnership with the Rebuilding Exchange, submitted an original design for a mobile lakefront kiosk as a part of the 2015 Chicago Architecture Biennial Competition.

sustainability features diagram

Sustainability: The kiosk demonstrates the integration of several sustainable strategies including the use of solar energy, reclaimed building materials, water harvesting, and native planting.

adaptability diagram

Adaptability: The design took inspiration from both the natural and commercial characteristics of the lakefront by supporting adaptability. The kiosk is designed to maximize productivity regardless of where it is located along the lakefront. Its modular design allows for over 80 configurations that respond to the specific conditions of the immediate site. Configuration decisions can be made based on footprint constraints, pedestrian traffic, solar orientation, and the framing of lake or city views.

full kiosk rendering

coffee rendering

Night rendering